- Adriana. This is a sculpt intended to portray physical likeness of model Adriana Lima. Base mesh modeled and posed in Maya, detailed in Zbrush. Zbrush viewport turntable
2. Portrait of Adriana Lima, beauty render. Base mesh modeled in Maya, detailed in Zbrush. Textures painted in Photoshop, Maya, Zbrush. Mental Ray render. Post in Photoshop.
3. Belizarius. I worked out fully quadded mesh suitable for deformations during animation and for sculpting of facial expressions in Mudbox.. Base mesh modeled in Maya, details sculpted in Mudbox. Zbrush used to render a turntable. Photo reference used to model the head as well as original concept painting.
4. Anteater-game character. Game resolution character, 8180 polygons, uses two 512X512 diffuse maps and two 512X512 normal maps. I created this character as an art test for a game studio, I followed provided concept sketch.
Low-res mesh modeled in Maya, Detailed in Zbrush. Normal and AO maps beked in Zbrush and Topogun.
Photoshop used to paint textures.
5. Tianna. A character created after original sketch by Tu-Anh Nguyen for an animated film “The Xplorers”, by Xzault Media Group. Poly modeling in Maya 7.0, textures created in Maya, Photoshop and Illustrator. |
6. Female suit, in-game model. Female suit made for the female character to wear in on-line social gaming application Arcadia. OGRE 3D engine.
Modeled in Maya, detailed in Z brush, normal and AO maps baked in Faogen and Zbrush. |
7. Female Avatar wardrobe. These are just a few of the pieces of wardrobe, seen here in the browser based application that I have created to be worn by customizable avatars.
The challenge here is to make sure that any top works well with any bottom, shoes and accessories.
All meshes modeled and rigged in Maya, detailed in Zbrush, normal and ao maps then used to enhance detail in the final color map.
Animation by Pat Hannaway. |
8. Male avatar street clothes. Set of street clothes for the customizable male avatar for www.vivaty.com.
Low res meshes modeled in Maya, detail sculpted in Zbrush, normal and ao maps used to enhance detail in the 256X256 color map. |
9. “Morning Light”, digital painting. This figure was painted in Painter X and Photoshop from the photo reference. |
10. Belizarius, digital painting. This image was painted during Don Seegmiller's "face and figure painting workshop".
I started with photo reference and then moved on to add some details that would help portray the chosen subject, Belizarius, a famous Byzantine general. |
11. Ecorche figure study, 1/3 life size, plastilina over wire armature. |
12. Mia. Life-size sculpture made of water-based clay over armature. |
13. “Chief”. Life-size sculpture, water based clay. |
14. Female figure drawings from life, 3 hrs each, charcoal pencil on paper. |
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